Wednesday, January 2, 2008

happy new year!

i don't really have many readers so i guess i'm wishing the universe a happy new year!

this year is going to be a pretty big year. first year of marriage. moving to melbourne. new job. more craft! I have some specific and non-specific goals for 2008


  • crochet my first afghan blanket (oh it's going to take me a long time to even decide on the colours)

  • buy and illustrate/paint/decorate some blank matryoshka dolls

  • take the handmade pledge

  • keep on bloggin'


  • ever-continual expansion of my culinary knowledge and obsession

  • do as many road trips/weekends away exploring my new state

  • continue taking as many photos as i have done in the last year

  • be more generous, kind, open, loving than ever before


Anonymous said...

I love your matryoshka doll project idea! I've been swooning over some matryoshka patterned fabric at superbuzzy...I might have to steal your idea!

fifi said...

steal away dear! i know it's been done many times grandfather is russian so i love all things matryoshka! i'm still devastated though about the time when i was little and i thought it would be a great idea to put my matryoshka dolls in the bathtub. they got all swollen and cracked!