Tuesday, February 12, 2008

very sweet

found this at curious bird and thought it would combine very nicely with some of my modular origami I plan to turn into a mobile when I get to my new state!

Friday, February 8, 2008


time has flown by and with 11 days till we move interstate, there is so much to do! i will be taking a break until we are settled and in our new home!

Friday, February 1, 2008

like & love

i like this muchly. found it here

down south for weekend

i'm catching the brand new train to mandurah this afternoon after work. sounds boring? actually, it's a momentous occasion as for all of my life i have been travelling between perth city (dad) and mandurah (mum). there was not even a freeway at one point. then it progressed to a freeway.

now, a train that only takes 48 minutes to get there! i feel like an excited child.

i can't wait to be loved up by my mum and have my sister file my newly grown nails.

uno momento of reflection!

this is a picture of my uncle and my dad in their cowboy costumes when they first moved to australia. it makes me laugh. a lot!