when things get crazy (or other people get crazy) i always just feel so lucky to have some of the most amazing friends.
honestly, how would i feel about this world if i didn't have those people to keep me strong?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
again, more cuteness for kids. if these were in big people sizes, i'd have em for sure!
found at labour of heart
i'm back!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
cya soon!
this is my last post for a while. these are some beautiful flowers that Nina arranged for me on her rooftop in India in celebration of K and i getting married on 19/01/08.
i've got a giant pimple on my chin (and i'm not really a makeup girl) and i am gravely sleep-deprived so sure, what the heck - bring it on! and bring on that honeymoon!
fifi xox
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
i heart miro
well my friends
pretty blogness is rather low down on my list of things to do at the moment. 3 days until we are married and we are tired and grumpy! just want to nap right now but we have a gazillion family dinners with all sorts of family that have flown over. yeah yeah - nice, i know. K and i just want to sleep in bed for a whole day but i don't think we're going to get the chance.
these are very nice.....
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
well after a pretty ordinary day yesterday, today has arrived and i'm not feeling so grumpy. i started looking for an illustration to feature in today's post to adequately express my good mood and i found that the majority of indie illustrations are tragic, woeful and pretty much always sad in content! this made me feel slightly angry....*eeep* but then i found this by yumiyumi and my happiness is here to stay!
if i was an illustrator, all i'd do is make happy drawings. bjork once said when discussing songwriting that it's much harder to make something that is joyful rather than painful. i agree!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
in defiance to all of those blogs out there that portray a perfect existence (but that i find inspiration from most of the time despite this)
i've been drinking coffee when i said i wouldn't (because i'm getting married in a matter of days and coffee makes me very jittery and nervous which at this point in time does not need to be encouraged).
my landlord screamed at me this morning and it made me cry and feel useless because when i was given the opportunity, i didn't say how much i was hurt by it.
i have the worst, most boring job in the whole entire world and every second i sit here it becomes more boring.
i have smelly breath right now (from said coffee before).
my period is late.
2 more people are moving into the house i live in at the moment. i'm grateful for the room at this house but it brings the total of people up to 6. 3 couples. i need space.
perfection blows and isn't real.
i've been drinking coffee when i said i wouldn't (because i'm getting married in a matter of days and coffee makes me very jittery and nervous which at this point in time does not need to be encouraged).
my landlord screamed at me this morning and it made me cry and feel useless because when i was given the opportunity, i didn't say how much i was hurt by it.
i have the worst, most boring job in the whole entire world and every second i sit here it becomes more boring.
i have smelly breath right now (from said coffee before).
my period is late.
2 more people are moving into the house i live in at the moment. i'm grateful for the room at this house but it brings the total of people up to 6. 3 couples. i need space.
perfection blows and isn't real.
people are so clever
me likey! - chris parry
i already own 2 ashton bribiesca rings....must have more!
my heart skips a beat! - anna wallis
perfect for nesting - JDavis
amazing once more - anna wallis
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
so appealing i wanna roll on thumbtacks!
elisabeth dunker's pattern for a carpet 'Needle'
via fine little day (dunker's blog)
via little red stuga
via lula
gorgeousness! if i had this carpet in my living room, i wouldn't bother with sofas.
arctic madonna
when we decided to move to canada for a working holiday last year, K's nan sent us a whole package full of stuff from when she went. included was this gorgeous book - Arctic Vision, Art of The Canadian Inuit - and it has since been one of my favourites. It's actually a catalogue for an exhibition. This is one of my favourites 'Artic Madonna' by Pitaloosie Saila (stonecut and stencil, 1980) from the Cape Dorset region.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
photo catchup!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
don't know why i'm sorry
no one reads this really, so i don't know why i'm sorry that i'm hammering out the posts. just finding loads of fun, cute stuff. after all - the best thing in life is collecting.
find this wrapping paper and some very nice mugs here
it is wrong to be working on a sunday. especially when the sun is shining and the beach is calling. alas - these are the cards i have been dealt today! luckily, between wrapping canvases for delivering back to artists i am able to peruse such wonderful blogs as 'kindra is here' which is jaw-droppingly gorgeous and inspirational!
really must get around to posting some photographs of things i've been working on lately. i have my eye fixed firmly on tomorrow! ha-ha! day off at last!
indian street patterns
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
craft drawers
any every house i've ever lived in i've had some sort of 'craft drawers' - everything from the bottom shelf of a coffee table (a-la-vancouver) or my dad's chest of drawers from when he was 6 (a-la-doubleview).
i am very excited about setting this all up when we relocate to melbourne...found these excellent ikea drawers via a very lovely blog called kirin notebook and they look like just the boy for the job!
i won't be so brash as to say i'm going to 'quilt' anything this year....i mean the afghan is a big goal seeings as i don't even know how to crochet (although my omama ensures me it's easy).
found this subtle, gorgeous quilt pattern via Hyena in Petticoats and i'm definitely going to keep this one on the backburner....
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
happy new year!
i don't really have many readers so i guess i'm wishing the universe a happy new year!
this year is going to be a pretty big year. first year of marriage. moving to melbourne. new job. more craft! I have some specific and non-specific goals for 2008
- crochet my first afghan blanket (oh it's going to take me a long time to even decide on the colours)
- buy and illustrate/paint/decorate some blank matryoshka dolls
- take the handmade pledge
- keep on bloggin'
- ever-continual expansion of my culinary knowledge and obsession
- do as many road trips/weekends away exploring my new state
- continue taking as many photos as i have done in the last year
- be more generous, kind, open, loving than ever before
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