Friday, December 28, 2007

oh, to nest!

we are moving to melbourne in february and as we have been travelling hobos for a while now, i am so excited about being able to have a house and to be able to buy things in aid of decoration!

found a site called cut and paste which has many cute things and will definitely help with the handmade pledge i am about to make! they stock lots of gorgeous hand made things! including this print by ashley g.
(after posting this i realised that my subconscience must be running wild....the above image appealed to me so much and after looking at it, it is of a man, woman and 'child'....nesting indeed! damn that clucky feeling! eeeep! i can't help it!)

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

YAY you are on your way to melbourne!!! I CANT WAIT!!!